Today. Was. Awesome. Spent almost the whole day sitting at the sofa waiting for someone who didn't show up at all. Hahahaha. Congratulations to me for passing the role play for the second time but not for Asyiqin as she failed and she needs to retake the test again but she insists to terminate. Super hard la that role play. At least this senior gave me a chance and told me what my mistakes were but not yesterday. Looking at that bapok already makes me feel so nervous and I kept on staring at his face because I still cant believe that I was actually talking to a bapok. Worse than me sia. Looks much more feminine boleh kalahkan aku skali. Well since the three of us went for the interview together then its a must for us to pass the role play, by hook or by crook. One for all all for one and I forced Asyiqin to retake as I couldn't bear seeing her fail for this test. So we ended quite early at around 12 noon and decided to meet Ashfarina at her desk to tell her we'll be waiting for her downstairs but we were not allowed to do so as she was working at that time. Since Asyiqin's brother was working too we asked him to deliver the message to meet us during her lunch time. Guess what, he told us Rina's luch time was at 1pm but we ended up waiting for her until 6pm. I wanted to buy nasi padang at the foodcourt nearby but kedai dah tutup...... And I didn't eat at all until I reached home. 6 hours ok. The only thing I did was sleep, talk to Asyiqin and look at ourselves at the full mirror. Sedih kan nangis sikit pweash. Quite afraid for tomorrow but insyaallah boleh. Customer maki, kita maki balik. That's the right way.
Eppachooluv 10:55 PM
Friday, November 29, 2013
Wuiiiii its been 12 days. Yeap 12 days since I last updated this blog. After 4 weeks 1 day at last met him. Well in terms of appearance he didn't change at all. Still looked the same. Felt so loved after meeting him that day. I did told him about the video we took at Changi City Point last Friday with Sabrina and Asyiqin when we were bored. Thought of uploading here last week but unfortunately that video couldn't be uploaded due to errors pfft -.-
Nowadays going to school is such a waste of time like seriously, came for 20 minutes only and then school ended. Ended at 0910 okay. I'm still sleeping if I were at home instead. Came just to take attendance as I have to maintain my attendance percentage. If not i'd get debarred from exam and I cant take the risk. After school Ashfarina Asyiqin and I went to Tampines for our Mcdelivery role play and those who pass the role play will start work the very next day or asap based on their availability day on their contracts. Well...... Ashfarina passed while Asyiqin and I failed the test. Mine, failed due to being panic and nervous until Robert (the trainee) called me Kanchiong Sotong. Asyiqin too so the two of us have to come back for the role play again tomorrow and I swear it's a waste of time. Almost like ite already. Once we're done with the test then we can go home. Btw we're only allowed to take maximum of 3 times and if we still fail after retaking for 3 times then we will get terminated. Hopefully, really hope I can get the job. Office work lah.......... Furthermore if we still fail the test then Ashfarina will be working alone, isn't that saddening. So yes the two of us will accompany Rina at 9am, the earlier the better for us so that we can practice more before role play. All the best to us! Shall upload some photos taken at Chinese Garden during jamming's session. To hasrul, I really appreciate you so don't ever think I don't love you. See you next week!!!
My other half (Focus on the screen ok)
This is what happens when you have nothing to do in the studio.
Eppachooluv 9:09 PM
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Who'd have thought that just by snapping pictures, it could total up to 42 pictures? Hahaha I thought it was only 20 or 30 pictures but twice the number. Keep up the good work!
I was wearing this at first but because I looked so formal and felt uncomfortable therefore I changed once I reached the building.
There's always time to take pictures.
Tadaaaaa transformed!
Eppachooluv 2:36 PM
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Today was okay. Our first day of work as a call agent at Tampines and will be working with Asyiqin and Ashfarina for the next 3 months as the minimum commitment is three months. I was prepared if I were to change to jeans whenever I feel uncomfortable. From my past experience working in an office environment the first day usually i'd wear formal clothes, second day onwards then i'll start wearing casual clothes. So it seems I was right. Went in the training room and those people were wearing casual clothes while I was the only one wearing skirt, of course it was uncomfortable as I couldn't even breathe properly in the tarin just now due to the "limited space" and I had to sit like a woman. Cant even open my legs widely like how I usually sit. While waiting for the guy to call us to go to the room I changed to jeans. There was no receptionist at that time and both Asyiqin and Ashfarina helped me heheh. Ashfarina said "Effa tak habis habis transform" Lololololol Rina. Was really fickle-minded just now. First I changed to jeans, then I changed into singlet covered with cardigan and then again I wore back the first one. Cant really made up my mind. When there's Rina, it's impossible if we didn't take any photos. Too many to post. Tommorow je la.
Eppachooluv 9:29 PM
Friday, November 15, 2013
Stayed back after school with Asyiqin and Sabrina as i was lazy to go back home straight. Just imagine, i went to school for just 10 minutes. Reached class at 0945 and it ended at 0955. It was my fault too actually as class started at 0830 but i went out of the house at 0820, that explains why i reached school 10 mins before it ended and of course it was a waste of time but i didnt mind cause i have to make sure Khairul marked my attendance, or else my WNF attendance percentage will decrease. These few days my bed was super comfortable, not kidding ok. So lazy to go to school, if possible i'd like to stay on my bed the whole day especially when the weather outside is so naise..... Oh btw, congrats to Sabrina and Ariffin. Hope you guys will last long ok???? So happy for them. As per usual, for memories.
Eh did I gained weight or what? My face looked abit chubby la.
Check out these motors. My baby!!!
If anybody were to buy one of these for me, I wouldn't hesitate accepting that person's gift to me. Wild imagination but it's true. Been wanting to buy these types of motors than those scramblers which most people love. Not my type. Too typical. Now this is what you call, SMEXY!
Eppachooluv 6:49 PM
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Lets start off with yesterday. The day we had our interclass competition for Tug-Of-War. They needed a total of 10 people - 5 guys and 5 girls. I was one of them duhh. By right I was the reserved player but Rina told me to replace her instead as she was lazy and not feeling well. The top four teams will get a prize. We were quite nervous at the same time because we know the girls in our team are not as strong and big-sized as other teams. Well the teacher chose us to represent the class so there was nothing we could do. Furthermore it was just a friendly match. First match already got thrashed by the other team. They were all big-sized and the girls were fat sia, no joke. The guys were also muscular and compared to our group, it was as if ants vs elephants. But it was a good game till my whole body cramp like fuck. Cant even bend and my hands are super pain due to yesterday's gym session. Actually I wanted to go to the gym in the morning but thinking that I might not have the energy for afternoon's TOW I decided to go in the afternoon instead. Can feel the slide already. Congrats PMK.
Cute sia my face.
The middle girl looks so cute.
That was yesterday. Today as what we planned, we went to ite amk again, this time to meet Ariffin. Sabrina, Asyiqin and i went there together. Asyiqin and I went there to eat and wanted to watch free show between Ariffin, Sabrina and Irah, Ariffin's bestfriend. After what had happened to Sabrina, we asked her to leave Ariffin asap as she shouldn't be treated this way. Sialah the chicken chop at amk was delicious, seriously and it was quite cheap too. I just knew that the uncle there will be expanding his business at ite simei and there's a high chance that he'll be working there too. What a coincidence. Talked to the malay auntie and she told me that her elder sister will be working at ite simei too selling Nasi Ayam. Memang patut pun because I've been craving for Nasi Ayam since that day. Okkk so Ariffin deserved kene sound by Irah and Sabrina. Biadap punya jantan. Pity Sabrina going through all this. She's not at fault sia. Idk what was Ariffin thinking all these while. Kau nak Sabrina, kau dah dapat dia skarang kau seksakan hidup dia?! Sial Nye jantan. Eventhough he saw Sabrina crying which she rarely cries, he didn't feel guilty at all and left her just like that. Well Fin, I hope you'll receive your retribution. Firasat perempuan biasanya tak salah.
Eppachooluv 9:21 PM
Sunday, November 10, 2013
If I'm not wrong these pictures were taken on last Tuesday. Dah lama tak camwhore and there's a lot to post so ya. Take this!
My pose's the best. Hahaha.
I look cute. OKKKKK.
Fierce face makes me look cuter. Awwww.
Okay that was last Tuesday. Last Friday's picture. Love my hair! Credits to Sabrina & Ashfarina.
Went to Vivo with my family yesterday to celebrate Ayah's belated birthday. Went shopping at Giant and I saw a few Boyfriend's jeans, they named it boyfriend's jeans as the colours are all boyish colours but female's version. Super nice and it's exactly those types of jeans I wanted to buy all these while. Guys jeans. It's only $20, cheaper than what they're selling at peninsular. So as I was trying three different jeans with three different sizes, something happened. It all started like this. I tried on size 30, 31 and 32 as I usually wear these three sizes but not 32 anymore. Tried size 32 but it was too big for me. Size 30 was abit tight for me. Size 31 was just nice but when I looked at the jeans, I didn't know that it was torn at the ankle area. Rabak ah, didn't know whether it was my fault or if it was already torn before I tried it on. So I put it back and jalan uh. But really ah, feel like going Giant today and buy the jeans. Seluar laki oiiiii!
Gonna find something like this. Especially number 1. Number 2 also nice. Okay gonna find both colours.
Imagine if he wears this colour. Mmmmdap nak mampos. Colour lawa pe. Nak beli jugak ah.