Thursday, October 23, 2014
23rd October 2014. Historical day for us, or to be more precise historical day for me. Today is the 369th day of wearing this ring on my hand. Haha exactly a year ago someone threw his ring at 2030 at the rubbish bin near Aetos. I'm not trying to rake up the past but i'm just sharing what happened on this date. Okay sayang so how did you feel about yesterday? Happy because you get to go to Ikea for the first time? Confused because you can't remember when was the last time you went to Queensway Shopping Centre? Oh ya, if you know you have problems staying awake, try not to sleep too late. Sendiri yang susah nanti. I know I said this a million times but you can see for yourself right, I need to wake you up every time you fell asleep and worse was when you snored in the bus. Imagine if I wasn't there confirm you've embarrassed yourself. Work is important but health is important too. Most importantly, safety comes first. What if those chicks wanted to take advantage of you while you were sleeping in the train on the way home? I won't be there to help you tau. Hahaha just kidding. Take care alright. Loveyou!


8:40 AM

Monday, October 20, 2014

Before the clock strikes midnight, I would like to wish Happy 7th Anniversary to the both of us. Hope it's not too late. I know it wasn't a proper date but as long I can meet you it's more than enough. Sorry if I didn't give you any anniversary gift. Wait till I receive my pay then we go out for belated anniversary okay? Haha taktau if there's such words or not. Your presence has made a huge impact on my life and please know never did I once regret being with you all these while. Hate to say this..... But my love for you haven't fade a bit instead, iloveyou more than what you can think. As long both of us are not affected by what other people say about our relationship (if any) then it shouldn't be a problem. If you get what i'm trying to say. Iloveyou. Thank you for everything.


12:01 AM


 photo 9d46c7b3-f3cc-4d68-8811-818c30ef6c86.jpg EFF-A-CHOOL
-We Do Things OUR Way-
The Stubborn & The Egoistic
! Happily Together !
! So...wish us luck !
Relation Tips


Achool Jerk