In life, sometimes we have to make the right choices. Follow your heart, not your mind. Everyone deserves to be with someone that makes them happy. As for me, I have someone who's more than perfect for me. I don't and won't understand if you chose to leave me when you know you will need me most during your two years of National Service. Most relationships fail due to this issue. You know I will be there for through it all. I won't be physically present but I can assure you through spiritually. We choose our own happiness. Don't ever let these circumstances affect our own relationship. We've built our relationship from scratch. Stop being selfish and self-centred. It takes two hands to clap.
"Happiness comes first. If both are willing to compromise, anything's possible."
We've come this far thus I won't give up that easily. I will wait for you to complete your National Service as promised and you can always take up full-time/part-time Diploma after NS, by all means. Hendak seribu daya tak hendak seribu dalih. With that, all the best!
7 years 6 months together. Happy 90th Monthsary. Iloveyou.
5:18 PM