Friday, January 22, 2016 Good evening Love! I just woke up from my 10 minutes nap cause I'm too tired. Lack of sleep and very tiring after a whole week of school. Apart from that I do miss you. I know we didn't talk as much as we always did today. I don't know what happened cause the only thing I know is that I am really tired. I wanted to ask you to eat with me but I was lazy to chew anything haha. Anyway sayang, I'm happy for you for completing your outfield this week. It must be tough over there, surviving in the jungle with only your ns mates and no hand phones with you. I don't know how you do it but I'm always proud of you. Don't worry love, despite what happened today, I still love you. I can prove it to you cause my appetite will only increase when I am with you. Seeing your face makes me wanna eat more, which resulted in gaining weight of course. Please gain some weight too. I wanted to tell you about my dream but I forgot. See you tomorrow okay? I'll ensure I make you happy with my interesting stories haha. I think I wanna sleep now. Goodnight love. Iloveyou!
11:57 PM
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Before the clock strikes midnight, I would like to wish you Happy 99th Monthsary! Truth be told, I am very proud of us, especially you for coming this far. It's definitely not easy to got through all of these but we managed to overcome these challenges. I am so proud of you and I cant emphasize more about it. Sorry for my bad English btw. I don't have much to say because I cant really think right now. But, no matter what you do, no matter where you are and no matter how tough the situation is, I will be there to support you. I'll continue to give you support that you'll need in the future. And most importantly, I cant wait for our 100th monthsary which is next month.... because we're going to celebrate two events in a day; our monthsary and your birthday! Since you're turning 21 don't tease me of our age gap if not.... I wont talk to you. That's all I can say for now. Iloveyou always and please continue being sweet! I love you so much Sayang.
11:15 PM
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Hasrul here. Hi Love! hope you're reading this.
Its been a long time since I last blogged. I'm not really familiar with the new blogger layout but nevermind, I'll explore slowly. So .. within a year and so many things has happened. From ite to ns life. From my depression period transitioned to perhaps my uplifting period ... hopefully? May all this pleasant things that I'm seeing and experiencing be the small light at the end of the tunnel, at least for a start so that In Shaa Allah I could use this as a source for motivation to take a step closer to my goals day by day.
So, pejam celik pejam celik dah 2016. 2015 had been a rough year for me. In fact, it has been a roller coaster ride. I thought being unable to secure a spot in Poly was the worst thing that happened to me until my NS letter came. Hahah! Poor me got to get myself ready to enlist within 1 month. Enlisted, gedebak gedebuk from PTP to BMT to GAIT and BOOOOOM .. here I stand as an officially converted Guardsman Trooper from Alpha Coy. RAWDY WARRIOR! I won't elaborate in detail about what I went thru in camp cos what do you people know about hustle anyway? Pfft. Haha. Oh but uh.. I managed to achieve Best Section Award for GAIT. Earned this badboy.
The name's there. The legacy's written. So whatcha gon' do bout that mafackas? |
They say when one door closes, another one opens. I thought I would depress myself to death with personal issues I left back at home. Endless question surrounding me about how I was even gonna get thru life. To cut long story short, NS was indeed a blessing in disguise. Ever since I enlisted, my health improved, I lost weight, gained some muscles, got fitter, felt more secure of my surroundings socially, able to open up and be flexible to people around me easier, my depression and overthinking disorder is progressively fading and lastly only God knows how much I prayed for this; I see my dad getting physically healthier alhamdulillah. NS has helped me in a lot of ways. It actually provided me an environment to think thoroughly about the paths I would be taking after ORD to achieve my goals without constantly indulging myself in paranoia every single day. Fuck that feeling man. I suffered waaay to much paranoia. I. HATE. PARANOIA. SO. MUCH.
NS aside.
Love. 8 years. With no one else but you. I love you so much. You've been way too strong and I can't help but to admire your strength and willingness. You do know that you're the only girl in my heart right? Who could compare to you after all that you've done for me; breaking one by one the layers of my ego and healing my damaged soul allowing me to finally open up my true self to someone whom I can fully trust. Every time I book out, the first thing on my mind would be you. Yes, you, my pillar of hope. Thanks for spending most of your time with me during my block leave. I really enjoyed my time with you. I guess I've become more attached to you now. I hope I've made you feel happy for this whole week. My happiness is your happiness. I know this is just a short post but this means a lot to me. Sayang, please take care of yourself when I'm in camp. Please know that you are beautiful, probably the most beautiful woman in my eyes.
Please .. no more bedak or makeup. I love your natural beauty sayang. Nk FLYYY tak? |
4:22 AM
This is the third block leave. For the third time I'm facing the same situation. The feeling of being separated by your loved one after spending time together everyday for one week straight. Even if they were to give you a month of block leave, I won't be satisfied because who doesn't love going out with their partner.
Thursday : We were supposed to go out but conflicts do happen. I buat hal hais.
Friday : I wasn't able to meet you as I had to attend my cousin's engagement event.
Saturday : We went to Peachy's, later on met Sab & Fin, Alson & Sofia at Bugis then karaoke. You lost your cap sayang. :-(
Sunday : I accompanied you back to camp as you forgot to bring back home your 11B. We had our lunch-dinner at Eighteen Chefs.
Monday : For the first time, we went to Mustafa Centre together from Vivo, after that to Kovan. We ate KFC on that day.
Tuesday : Last minute cancelled plan with your friends and we had pizza under the void deck with my bare face. Lepas tu pegi Jurong Point.
Weds-day : Movie marathon at the library. Both horror movies remember? You were craving for KFC so we had our dinner there.
Thursday : I managed to meet you for an hour before I rushed off to Geylang. You looked cute with your track pants hehe.
Friday : Met you at around 6.30-9pm only before you meet your friends while I rushed off to meet Aisyah. Kite jumpe Meowy!
Saturday : Had our lunch at KFC before heading to Orchard as initial plan was to watch Dilwale. It's fun to travel with you by my side. #fact
Sunday : I can foresee I'll be missing you so badly after sending you off. I'll definitely feel miserable knowing I can only meet you next Sunday. :-(
Date with the best person on Earth. (: |
Told you we had been eating KFC for quite a few times this week. Tapi I masih tak puas hati, I nak makan lagi dengan u. Nevertheless it has been a great week especially since I'm having my holiday too. Thank you so much once again for spending so much on me because I don't know how to repay your kindness. Confirm plus chop I affected pat skola on Monday, but I'll be happy as well. At least I know I've done my part using all of my free time for you. Take good care of yourself in camp. I will definitely miss you. Iloveyou sayang. Eppachooluv
2:12 AM