No words can describe how thankful I am to be blessed with a beautiful angel whom I call my wife, my soulmate and mother to my child.To my dearest wifey Effa Syahirah, Happy 26th Birthday to you Sayang! Me and Boboi love you so much! We love you ibuuu! ♡ (For now. Mummy later when Boboi learns how to talk.)Dear Wifey, today marks your first birthday since you gave birth to our only baby boy, Emmirul Hannaz. I still remember the days when we were arguing trying to decide on his name. Those were precious moments I'll never forget till this day. I saw your sacrifices during labour trying to give birth to our little king. It made me realise how strong you are as a person, a wife and a mother. You displayed an undying spirit only one could imagine and I was humbled by your relentless will to fight thru the endless traumatic pain and torture giving birth to our baby. Alhamdulillah, it was all worth it.All these years, I never knew you were capable of being this resilient. In fact, you're undoubtedly more resilient than I am as a man. I was told that I had to be strong in order for you to stay strong but the reality was.. watching you stayed strong, was the reason I had to stay strong. You proved to me that you're more that just a woman. You're a superwoman. A woman I am proud to respect and it wouldn't hurt me a single bit to admit all these traits that you possessed. You're an inspiration to us. You make me want to be a better husband and father to keep up with what you have provided for our family. I know this might make you cringe a bit but anyone who is willing to put her own life on the line for my child fully deserved the honour to be called Ibu. The highest of honour. It's not something you chose but it's a title we bestowed upon you. You've earned it. Whether or not you want to use it, would be a different story. No obligations.Today we celebrate you. You deserve nothing but the best. I pray that you will be blessed with health, wealth and happiness and may Allah grant us more blessings in the future with his permission in shaa Allah. Amin.Happy Birthday Sayang! :)